What does the world look like through the eyes of a girl or boy with autism?

Autism is a neurodevelopmental disorder that profoundly affects the way children experience the world around them. Understanding how the world is perceived through the eyes of an autistic child is essential to providing them with the support and understanding they need.

Sensory hyper or hyposensitivity:

One of the most notable aspects of autism is sensory sensitivity. Some autistic children may experience hypersensitivity, meaning that sensory stimuli, such as bright lights or loud noises, can be overwhelming. Others may have hyposensitivity, leading them to seek additional sensory stimulation. This can affect how a child processes and reacts to the world around them.

Obsessive interests

Children with autism often have special interests that can be deep and passionate. These interests can influence the way they perceive the world, focusing them on specific topics and giving them a unique lens through which to explore their surroundings.

Different social communication

Difficulties in social communication are a central characteristic of autism. Infants with some level of autism may have difficulty understanding social cues, such as eye contact or facial expression, which affects how they interpret social interactions and emotional information in their environment.

Repetitive and stereotyped behaviors

Repetitive behaviors, such as rocking or repeating words, are common in Autism. These behaviors may be a way for children with autism to find comfort or regulate their environment.

Difficulties in theory of mind

Theory of mind refers to the ability to understand and predict the thoughts and feelings of others. Autistic children often have difficulties in this area, which can affect their perception of the intentions and motivations of the people around them.

Unique cognitive patterns

The patterns of thinking and information processing in cases of childhood autism can be unique and highly specialized. This can influence how they perceive and approach problems and tasks.

Need for Routine

In cases of autism it is normal to find security in routine and predictability. This is because transitions and changes can be overwhelming and challenging for them.

A job for everyone

Understanding what the world looks like through the eyes of an autistic child is essential to providing the necessary support. Through empathy, patience, and education, we can help these children navigate their environment in a way that allows them to thrive and develop their unique potential. Every case of autism has a valuable perspective to share, and by connecting with them through this understanding, we can enrich their lives and ours.

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