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Rehabilitate and teach by playing.

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What are the most common neurodivergences in children?

When we talk about neurodivergences we are referring to a non-medical general description of...

Sensory activities for Autism, ADHD and other disorders in childhood

Sensory activities in child therapy are therapeutic interventions designed to...

Why is occupational therapy so useful in cases of autism?

When it comes to girls or boys with autism, occupational therapy can make...

Addressing waiting time difficulties in childhood autism

Waiting time can be a challenge for any girl or boy, but for those with...

After an Autism Diagnosis: Tips for Parents

Receiving the diagnosis of Autism for your daughter or son can be an overwhelming moment, this...

Discover how TOi Robot® can improve your life and that of your patients

Are you a child therapist? Do you want to improve your income and provide a higher quality of services to your...
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